Halictus fulvipes  (Klug, 1817)
Main synonym = Hylaeus fulvipes    Klug, 1817
Taxonomical Classification:  Animalia / Arthropoda / Insecta / Hymenoptera / Halictidae
Yellow Halicitid Bee     Naħla rqiqa safra
Further Information:
A central and western Mediterranean bee which is frequently found in Malta in the warmer months of late Spring and Summer. It is hence often found in Spring-Summer flowering plants such as many tall thistles (eg Carlina involucrata, Carthamus lanatus, Cynara spp.), Echinophora spinosa, Chiliadenus bocconei, etc.

It is characterised by the black & white bands on the abdomen, but many species of the Halictus have that pattern. The male is smaller than the female. The latter nests and lay eggs in the ground.

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